Traditional Danish Sweaters: 200 Star Motifs from Historic Sweaters
Vivian Høxbro showcases Danish heritage from a proud chapter of knitting history. The 200 star motif patterns in the book have their origin in carefully preserved sweaters that were part of women’s traditional dress in the 1800s. These "night sweaters," as they were called, are a treasure chest of knitted damask patterns: beautiful, single-color relief designs in knit, purl, and crossed stitches, with stars as a particularly charming motif. The book includes 200 charted patterns to incorporate into your knitting; a history of "night sweaters" illustrated with little vignettes; illustrations of special knitting techniques; instructions for modern sweaters as well as shawls, a top, and a tunic; instructions for traditional sweaters worked in today’s measurements and colors. See, enjoy, and discover the wealth of traditional Danish pattern designs, and be inspired to knit your own beautiful classically-patterned sweaters
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