RETAILERS ONLY - Wholesale Craft Books Easy
Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom (S)
The Field Guide to Fleece 100 Sheep Breeds & How to Use Their Fibers (S)
Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook (S) **Reprint due in 7/17/24
The Weaver's Idea Book
The Art of Tapestry Weaving
Maryanne Moodie's Modern Weaver: Where Color Meets Loom
The Year of Knots
The Weaving Explorer
Potholder Loom Designs: 140 Colorful Patterns
Welcome to Weaving: The Modern Guide
The Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory
Hands On Rigid Heddle Weaving **reprint due 4/10/24
Overshot Simply: Understanding the Weave Structure 38 Projects to Practice Your Skills
The Handweaver's Pattern Directory
Learning to Weave
Card Weaving
Welcome to Weaving 2: Techniques and Projects to Take You Further
Handwoven Table Linens: 27 Fabulous Projects from a Master Weave
Tapestry Weaving
Little Loom Weaving
Amazing Circular Weaving
Weaving Rag Rugs
Natural Dyeing with Plants: Glorious Colors From Roots, Leaves & Flowers
Shadow Weave Simply: Understanding the Weave Structure 25 Projects to Practice Your Skills
Pin Loom Weaving
The Weaving Handbook
Take Along Mini Color Wheel
Handwoven Baby Blankets
Creative Treadling with Overshot: Explorations in Weave Structure & 36 Projects
The Weaver's Surprise
Huck Lace Weaving Patterns with Color and Weave Effects: 576 Drafts and Samples plus 5 Practice Projects
Modern Weaving
Radical Potholder Weaving: Techniques and Inspiration for the Potholder Loom; 100+ Weaving Patterns
Plain Weave
Tapestry Design Basics and Beyond: Planning and Weaving with Confidence
Pin Loom Weaving to Go: 30 Projects for Portable Weaving
Weaving Hand Towels Simply: 43 Designs for 4- and 8-Shaft Loom
Next Steps in Weaving
The Enigma of Shadow Weave Illuminated
Frances L. Goodrich's Brown Book of Weaving Drafts