Paper Pom-poms and other Party Decorations
From eye-catching pom-poms to pretty garlands and stunning giant flowers, you’ll want to make every one of these wonderful paper decorations. Begin with the classic pom-poms—popular in the 60s and 70s, but enjoying a stylish revival today. Make them in different sizes and colors for a real impact. Learn, too, how to make honeycomb balls and rosette snowflakes—all hanging decorations that will look great hung from the ceiling, in a window, or on a Christmas tree. In chapter 2, you’ll find garlands and bunting—why not try the cupcake garland, using cupcake cases to sit around fairy lights and look like twinkling flowers? Or have a go at the vintage book bunting, that would add character at a themed party or in a child's bedroom. Finally, create impressive centerpieces—giant roses and daffodils, a flower wreath made from coffee filters, and waxed floating lilies are among the striking designs. The projects use a variety of paper materials, including tissue, cardstock, and crêpe paper, as well as recycled magazine pages and gift wrap—and no specialist craft experience is needed. Step-by-step photography will show you exactly what to do. Plus, every template you’ll need is included at the back of the book.