Making Mechanical Cards (T)
The tradition of sending loved ones greeting cards goes back about 200 years and is more popular today than ever before. With a greeting card being the gift of choice for so many occasions, people are forever on the lookout for one that the recipient hasn't seen before. Because this is no easy task, the creatively minded among us are choosing to make our own cards. There are many books demonstrating how to make basic cards, but Making Mechanical Cards goes a considerable step further in showing how to make cards with mechanisms. The mechanisms are based on Victorian and Edwardian designs, and vary from the very simple to the really intricate. But the step-by-step instructions and diagrams provided make even the most complicated form of mechanism achievable. In addition, the materials and equipment needed to make these impressive cards are not extensive or specialized _—– the main requirements are card stock, glue, and scissors, with wire or thread for the more complex designs.