Getting Baked Everything You Need to Know about Hemp, CBD, and Medicinal Gardening

Getting Baked Everything You Need to Know about Hemp, CBD, and Medicinal Gardening

Barb Webb

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Do you suffer from chronic illness, insomnia, inflammation, or stress? Or are you just cannabis curious?

No matter what your reasons for wanting to learn more, there is no denying the potential of hemp and CBD as a powerful solutions to a myriad of modern ailments.

In Getting Baked, sustainable living expert Barb Webb takes you on an in-depth journey through everything you ever wanted to know about CBD, including the science, side effects, dosages, and benefits. You’ll also take a deep dive into herbs and botanicals that complement CBD and complete your medicinal garden. Part scientific research and part firsthand know-how, Webb rounds out her authoritative guide with dozens of recipes to enhance your experience—from smoothies and teas to CBD bath bombs and hemp body butters.

Learn how CBD, hemp, and herbs can work for your body and start Getting Baked today!