The Art of Lithuanian Knitting
25 Traditional Patterns and the People, Places, and History That Inspire Them
Learn about the traditions and techniques of knitting in Lithuania past, present, and future. Plus find more than 25 mitten, glove, and sock projects to knit!
Lithuania is a hub of European textile production and a haven for fiber artists. Visitors to the capital city of Vilnius find the narrow cobblestone streets flanked by hidden yarn and folk-art shops. Tourist markets overflow with hand-knitted mittens, socks, wrist warmers and caps. Museums house rich textile exhibits and collections, and traditional handcrafts are demonstrated at street festivals and open-air museums during summer. As soon as autumn's cool breezes kick up, the streets become a veritable knitwear fashion show. Although Lithuania doesn't have a reputation as a major tourist destination, the country is a knitter's paradise.
In The Art of Lithuanian Knitting, you can journey with Donna Druchunas and June L. Hall around the country and learn about all of the fun and fascinating traditions and techniques that they discovered during their travels. Along with all of the stories, the book also includes over 25 patterns for traditional and modern socks, gloves, mittens, and beaded wrist warmers, all worked with Lithuanian techniques, pattern stitches, and motifs. The techniques used include colorwork, texture stitches, lace, entrelac, and more! And we've also included a chapter on how to perform some special Lithuanian knitting techniques.